We ran for charity

5. PKO Charity Run.

On Saturday, September 14, the 5th PKO Charity Run took place at the 650th anniversary stadium in Slupsk. The race involved 101 teams, including two teams representing ms colors more than WINDOWS.

PKO charity run.

Together, we were able to help raise money to support extra-school education of children from care and education institutions in the Słupsk region.

PKO charity run.

5. PKO Charity Run is a nationwide initiative of Bank PKO BP. The event was attended by five relays, who tried to run as many laps as possible. The involvement of runners, that is, every lap, is converted to charity. After the run, a family picnic took place.

PKO charity run.

Runners in Słupsk managed to overcome 3464 laps.

It was an amazing Saturday, full of help, smiles and good energy. Together we help with every step.

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