How to wash windows in winter?

The pre-Christmas time is not only a shopping madness but also a time of intense household cleaning. This is the time of year when our houses are decorated with beautiful decorations – spruce candles appear on the tables and lights twinkle in the windows. But… so that nothing dims the glow of this pleasant light, it is worth keeping the windows clean.

In summer, such activities are not a major problem, but in winter it has its own rules and low temperatures are not favorable for us or the windows. So how to wash windows in winter?

Right moment

Before you start washing the windows, it is worth checking the weather forecast. Let’s choose a day when the temperature is relatively higher, preferably above 0 degrees Celsius. In such conditions, the water does not freeze immediately, which will facilitate the washing process and avoid the formation of ice on the windows.

Temperature of water

The water must be cold or possibly lukewarm. It absolutely cannot be hot.

A sudden change in temperature may cause the glass to crack. Interestingly, hot water, contrary to appearances, freezes faster than cold water (this is the so-called Mpemba effect).

Choosing the right tools

When deciding to wash windows in winter, instead of using a traditional bucket of water, use specialized window cleaners. Thanks to them, we can reduce the amount of water used and at the same time effectively clean the glass surface. Additionally, use professional cloths or rubber sets to remove water, which will help remove excess water and prevent streaks.

Common sense above all

Window cleaning, although not a complicated activity, must be carefully considered in winter. It is a good idea to divide the work into stages – starting from the upper edges of the windows and moving gradually down. Fast action will help prevent water from freezing and allow for thorough cleaning of the surface. During such cleaning, remember about your own safety. Gloves are a must. This will help us avoid frostbite on the skin of our hands.

Cleaning windows in winter is a challenge, but with the right tools and strategy, it can be done effectively and safely. Christmas decorations certainly look better on clean windows.

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