Hidden fittings in aluminum windows – is it worth it?

When choosing new windows, it is important to take into account not only their appearance, but also their functionality and durability. However, the value of windows also depends on the fittings used, i.e. elements that enable them to be opened, closed and tilted. In this context, hidden fittings such as TITAN axxent 24+ from SIEGENIA that we use in our windows offer a number of benefits that are worth considering.
  1. Subtle and modern look
  2. Ease of installation and durability
  3. Comfortable adjustment and tightness

Subtle and modern look

Hidden fittings, as the name suggests, are invisible at first glance. Thanks to this, aluminum windows look even more elegant and modern. Completely hidden fittings and large glass surfaces in a narrow frame are currently trendy. This is a perfect solution for people who appreciate minimalist design and want their interiors to look stylish.

Ease of installation and durability

TITAN axxent 24+ fittings offer not only aesthetics, but also ease of installation. The entire hinge side consists of just four elements. This affects the speed of the fitting process. Additionally, a high degree of pre-assembly shortens the window installation time, which translates into lower labor costs.

Hidden fittings are also characterized by high load-bearing capacity, which means that they are able to lift heavy window sashes (up to 150 kg) without the need to use additional strengthening elements. In the case of large windows, this is a big advantage because they are increasingly used in modern architecture.

Comfortable adjustment and tightness

One of the key aspects of windows is their tightness, which affects the energy efficiency of the building. TITAN axxent 24+ hidden fittings from SIEGENIA, which we use in our windows, among others: Optimum 79N and Premium 86N provide excellent thermal insulation thanks to continuous sealing and integrated pressure regulation. Stepless 3D regulation allows precise adjustment of the pressure, ensuring optimal tightness and preventing heat loss.

In addition, the fittings are easy to use and adjust, which means you can adjust them to your preferences without the need to hire specialists. The lower hinge is protected against dirt in the form of an appropriate cover. This additionally extends its service life and affects the aesthetics of the window.

There is currently a promotion for TITAN axxent 24+ fittings. Our advisors in MS more than WINDOW showrooms will provide more details.

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